“I started not with the feel of the city but with my own emotions. I felt dark, lonely, a little scared, and I built a city—based on New York—out of that feeling. Instead of choosing shapes, I chose lights and shadows. I worked on textures first and added details later. Eventually, I got to a point where all I needed was a small visual anchor to make the image representative rather than abstract. In this case, the delivery man became the recipient (and embodiment) of my emotions.” — Pascal Campion, on his cover for the April 13 edition of The New Yorker.
“I am very sympathetic to the torture of the proverbial blank page: the ways that infinite options can be the greatest source of anguish.” — Sasha Wolf
“. . . we slowly discover that we need not be paralyzed by infinite choices, but rather become gloriously aware of the handful of paths that truly suit each of us.” — Sasha Wolf
Photoessays/bodies of Work
– Lee Miller: Fashion model, photographer, war correspondent Courtesy Steve O.
– Highway 61 by Jessica Lange
– Creating a circular crop with the frame tool
– Skin retouching
– Creating rim light in photoshop
– Macro photography in your backyard
– Three mistakes to avoid with a wide angle lens when shooting landscapes
– Avant garde beauty portraits
– Creating a diverse portfolio
– Palmer Museum of Art: Very interesting presentation approach of “virtual galleries” From Steve O.