“Like a boxer trains for a fight, a photographer, by walking the streets, and watching, and taking pictures, and coming home, and going out the next day — same thing again, taking pictures,” Frank said in 2009. “It doesn’t matter how many he takes, or if he takes any at all. It gets you prepared to know what you should take pictures of.” — Robert Frank, who died on Monday 9/9/19 at age 94
“Exposing your film or sensor is not the same as exposing your soul.” — David DuChemin
“I’ve never been comfortable photographing people I know, myself included. I guess I prefer the mystery of strangers.” — Alec Soth
Photoessays/Bodies of Work
– Antarctica
– Community journalism and defining democracy
– Cowboy pix
– Easy way to add GPS data to your images in LR
– Using Blend-If like a luminosity mask
– Saturation
– 90 second video on using the Mixer Brush to create painings from your images.
– Simon Baxter: Compose, capture, edit and print Simon is a British woodland photographer. This is a very thoughtful 30 minute video, with most editing in LR. Some really helpful approaches.
– 3 ways to improve your composition
– Learning to see photographically
– Image Inventory Management

Playing around with color and graphics.