“Experience has shown that the more fascinating the subject, the less observant the photographer.” – Andreas Feininger
“The picture is like a prayer, an offering, and hopefully an opening through which to seek what we don’t know, or already know and should take seriously.” – Emmet Gowin
“Some speak of a return to nature. I wonder where they could have been.” – Frederick Sommer
– Be patient and adapt to conditions
– Learning from “bad” images
– Get better HDR results in PS by using 32-bit not available in LR, but here is a followup from Adobe to Kelby explaining his results and showing an advantage for LR.
– Urban landscapes
– How to add color to your images
– Latin American nature photo ops
– Franklin and Nantahala: Not just the National Park
– 2 minute tip on doing the “Orton Effect”
– What do photographeres owe their subjects? This was an exceptionally interesting discussion.
From Steve Oney:
– TED talk by Sabastiao Salgado In my opinion Salgado is the most accomplished BW photographer practicing today. He is in the same league as Cartier-Bresson, Eugene Smith, Lewis Hine, Jacob Riis, and Dorothea Lange.

Stone cairns on a beach at the North Cape of Prince Edward Island, Canada on a drizzly day.