Monday Missive — February 1, 2021


” . . . grizzly bears in northern British Columbia, and curious, gentle giant Pacific octopus in the emerald waters of the Salish Sea, and the Kermode (or spirit) bear in the Great Bear Rainforest—all encounters so intimate that it now shocks me to think I ever lived so disconnected from the wild, green, mossy world outside my door.” — David DuChemin

“Passion is the log that keeps the fire of purpose blazing.” — Oprah Winfrey

“If it makes you laugh,
if it makes you cry,
if it rips out your heart,
that’s a good picture.” – Eddie Adams

Photoessays/Bodies of Work
– Lindsey Ross: 24 x 36 collodion plates
– Salon studies

– Gradients
– Better Vignettes
– Simple solution to avoid corruption on export
– A better way to blur backgrounds

– National notice for the Black Marsh Trail and North Point State Park one of my favorite “go to” places for a half day trip.

– The camera as witness Narrated by Joel Myerowitz.
– Understanding how diffraction reduces resolution
– Takeaways from Alec Soth’s storytelling course For me, one of the more interesting aspects was how the project evolved. There was a clear thread, but you would never independently connect the initial idea to the final project.

A female cardinal at a backyard feeder. In surburban areas where so much land has been planted in grass and ornamentals in place of native plants that provide seeds and winter berries, providing a consistent food source can be critical for local bird populations. In winter those food sources help the birds maintain body temperature in cold weather.

White-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis).

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