– Corona virus do’s and don’ts for photographers
“Fortune favors the prepared mind and all that. I might take minutes in a location or [I might take] days. It depends on what I find and connect with. In my humble opinion, there’s no one right way to photograph anything.” — Michael Kenna, Digital PhotoPro, March 17, 2020
“I generally prefer suggestion over description, black and white over color and winter over summer.” — Michael Kenna
“For me, the most important thing about a photographic project is creating links between the photographs without forcing their connection. I want to suggest a whole but leave room for the viewer to create their own meaning.” — Alec Soth
Photoessays/Bodies of Work
– Unmistakedly NY street photography
– A vertiginous view of NYC
– Daido Moriyama Courtesy Steve O.: for the streeters among us. But the music is weird.
– 6 ways to import photos in LR
– Fixing edge halos
– More tips from PhotoshopCafe
– Improve your street photography Some general things to watch for in street photography
– An alternate view on street photography
– W. Eugene Smith A great story-teller and photojournalist. In my opinion, a better photographer than Cartier Bresson.
– The Haikus of Michael Kenna
Really lovely bird pix, Rich. Hope you, Martha and Josh are all staying well in spite of corona!
Thanks Marie. Good to hear from you! I hope you and Jeff are healthy and safe as well!