“Ideas, bread and books are all the same–they’re better when they’re shared.” — Seth Godin
“Staring out the window to me is very constructive time. I bounce off the walls of my imagination and, every once in while an idea gets dreamed up that actually becomes a picture.” — Joe McNally
” . . . photography is a craft that requires experimentation, risk and growth, and that getting better at photography is a journey that never ends.” – Chris Orwig
Photoessays/Bodies of Work
– Single tree photos Courtesy Steve O.
– 15 photographers reveal what is hidden in their work
– Interesting color street photography from India
– New selection and gradient tools in PS
– Six new features in Photoshop 2020
– 20 New features in Photoshop 2020
– Amy Touchette: Developing a career and approach to street photography
– All of the basics for street photography
– How to write your artist’s statment
– How to fine-tune your artist statement

Adirondack Lake in the early morning fog. Oct. 9.

Two boats, early Adirondack morning.