“Inquiry is more important than answers, for it is the questions we ask and the way in which we ask them that defines us.” – John Paul Caponigro
“Arriving at a plateau in any art form, and staying there forever, eventually stagnates both the artist and the art.” — Al Weber
“Rules are foolish, arbitrary, mindless things that raise you quickly to a level of acceptable mediocrity, then prevent you from progressing further.” — Bruce Barnbaum, from the book, The Art of Photography
Photoessays/Bodies of Work
– What it means to be a National Geographic photographer
– Portraits from Papua New Guinea
– NY architecture
– Rosemarie Yang: Whimsical images
– Advantages of a tablet and a great tablet for $30
– The Benefits of Woodland Photography
– Sports and action photography Thanks to Steve O.
– Juxtaposition in street photography
– 8 Questions to ask a prospective art dealer
– Six tips for artist residencies I did several residencies at the National Parks and found it to be a wonderful experience.
Very good info regarding a basic photoshop tablet.