“Photography for me is a passion, a mixture of science and art that creates magic. If a day goes by without photography, it’s incomplete.“ – Scott MacQuarrie
“The subject matter is so much more important than the photographer.“ – Gordon Parks
“I like to watch the person viewing my photographs to see if their eyes twinkle or cloud with tears. Does the smile sneek out when they were not exspecting it to. Then I know I have captured emotion that can be shared.“ – Marsha Cairo
– Cropping options in Photoshop
– Creatively shape light in post-processing
– How to create your own logo Also gives sources for free fonts and how to modify individual letters as well as spacing between letters
– On “Rules” in photography I agree with most of this, and feel that compositional approaches shouldn’t be referred to as rules, but rather as principles
– Some prize-winning semi-abstract work
– Us and Them This artist is really interesting in several respects: He makes true craftsman pinhole cameras that include some aspect of the project, including organs and blood. The images and concept are fascinating
– Removing halos Halos are lighter lines around a selection. They can be the nemesis of doing composites. This video helps with that.
– A simple 2 image composite If you haven’t done composites before, even just adding a sky, this is a great place to start
From Steve Oney:
– Budget travel tips for photographers
From Carl Lancaster:
– Color correction and adjusting white balance