“I often think of my work as visual haiku. It is an attempt to evoke and suggest through as few elements as possible rather than to describe with tremendous detail.” – Michael Kenna
“Photography’s great difficulty lies in the necessary coincidence of the sitter’s revealment, the photographer’s realization, the camera’s readiness. But when these elements do coincide . . . when the perfect spontaneous union is consummated. . . the very bones of life are bared. — Edward Weston
“Great photography is always on the edge of failure.” – Garry Winogrand
– Moving around in Photoshop
– Graduated and radial filters in LR
– Creating a home studio
– Lighting for the home studio
– Speedlights
– Data management and workflow
– The story behind Dorothea Lange’s “Migrant Mother”
– How to photography meteor showers
– Conceptual Photography Another assignment from the Art of Photography
– Adding textures in photoshop
– Abstract landscape photography
– Removing logos in PS This is applicable to a lot more than just removing logos. Includes spot healing, clone stamp, content aware, selections, brush and dropper tools.