“Inspiring photographs…
– Can teach you a lot about photography.
– Can expose you to new techniques and photographers.
– Can provide great fodder for online sharining.
– Can be the ultimate creativity-killing distraction.” — CJ Chilvers in A Lesser Photographer
“Technique and gear seem insignificant if you have a message.” — CJ Chilvers in A Lesser Photographer
“The best critiques I’ve seen are not about the image’s technical properties.
The best critiques question why the photograph was created in the first place.” — CJ Chilvers in A Lesser Photographer
– Photoassignment 3 from the “Art of Photography”– Ted does a great job of explaining the implications of shooting low, at eye level (both viewer and subject), and high.
– Is street photography dead?
– Printing
– Perfect panoramas and time lapeses Includes a link to a huge list of software, much of it free
– Making the most of your kit lens
– Tips for shooting in snow
– Getting shallow depth of field with flash If you can afford a f/1.2 lens
– Color management with ICC profiles
– Everything you ever wanted to know about tripods
– Getting the most out of your point and shoot