Monday Missive — October 25, 2021


Art without content is like sex without intimacy: technically sufficient, but emotionally empty.” -– Judy Chicago

You will either step forward into growth, or you will step backward into safety.” — Abraham Maslow

I love my rejection slips. They show me I try.” -β€” Sylvia Plath

Photoessays/Bodies of Work
-Hannah Kozak: He threw the last punch too hard Tragic story

-Searching for the British red squirrel Good example of photo project. Also some good views of British countryside. Interesting note that if you put down whole nuts the squirrels immediately leave to cache them, but if you leave pieces, they stay and eat them and you have more time for pictures.

-The first of a multi-part article on building a photo-editing PC Eventually you will need to replace your current computer. This will help you understand what factors may be important, even if you don’t want to build your own computer, if photo-editing is something you spend time on.
-Alec Soth reviews two books in an ongoing series on “Pictures and Words” Soth does a really good job on these and shows the images very effectively; his reviews always go back to basic photographic philosophy
-Sean Tucker: Get small and tell the truth

Saw this old timey gas pump; liked the blue against the red.

Mohawk Trail in a light rain.

The Flower Bridge, Shelburne Falls, MA

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4 Responses to Monday Missive — October 25, 2021

  1. Bob Crescenzo says:

    Agree with you on the first photo. The blue and red contrast is beautiful.

  2. Richard Eskin says:

    Thanks Bob.

  3. John Carter says:

    Thanks Rich! I was moved by what Sean Tucker had to say about “Get Small and Tell the Truth”. I have often questioned myself about my motives for the pictures I take and the genre I follow.

    Sometimes it is about just “being out there” in nature and trying to figure out what attracts me to it so much….The photography provides a sense of purpose – a direction – a “raison d’etre”. I want to share with the world the beauty I find and hopefully inspire appreciation and concern for the fragility of our planet and ecosystems.

    Then other days…I find myself wondering how many “likes” I am getting on Facebook which is clearly my ego running roughshod over all I care about. I start thinking about the marketing of my images and whether the income I am bringing justifies all the effort I put into it. This is when I get stuck, feel powerless, feel phony and that my work will never “measure up”.

    I have to think about whether I am doing photography for “insides” or my “outsides”. I think there is a “middle way”, a balance, between the two. It is not all just black or white. My satisfaction probably lives in the “gray” areas.

    Thank you Sean Tucker and Thank You, Rich, for posting this…

    • Richard A Eskin says:

      I have subscribed to Tucker because he always has something thoughtful to say. Thanks for looking and commenting.

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