

1610 Jeffers Road

Towson, Maryland 21204

Home:  (410) 825-2503

Mobile:  (443) 415-0349


Professional Experience


12/2012 - Current

Independent Consultant on Environmental Issues

Subcontract: Council Fire; Chesapeake Bay Accounting for Growth project


1/2003 – 7/1/2012 (semi-retirement)

Director, Science Services Administration (Acting 1/03-9/03 at Director’s pay) - Responsible for leadership and oversight of a major unit of the Maryland Department of the Environment; up to 110 staff and $15 million budget for a broad portfolio of technical, scientific and outreach activities. This position reports to the Secretary of the Environment and supports the Department’s mission and vision to protect the environment and foster smart growth, economic development, and healthy and safe communities. Required tasks include managing large, complex projects in support of permitting and compliance activities, environmental health and environmental assessment. Examples include Chesapeake Bay Restoration (TMDL and Watershed Implementation Plans), water quality standards, biological and chemical monitoring, shellfish harvesting classifications, field operations, local pollution limits (TMDLs) and environmental health. The Director must establish a strategic vision for the Administration and proactively recognize the need for change. Change is a constant in this position, and is driven by intrinsic (e.g., budget) and extrinsic (e.g., federal regulations) factors and must be successfully managed in a complex environment reconciling environmental and economic interests. Delegated appointing authority with responsibility for personnel actions, budgetary decisions and legislative duties in addition to supervising the duties of the Deputy specified below. Notable accomplishments: first external on-line system in the Department for regulated entities to enter data (Community-Right-to-Know) in regulatory database, expanded and refined fish consumption advisories, drafted and managed the promulgation for Outstanding National Resource Water designation, antidegradation implementation, biocriteria regulations, and hazardous material security regulations.  Maintained TMDL production despite significant budget reductions; over 350 TMDLs approved. Timely completion of draft and final statewide Watershed Implementation Plan in support of the Chesapeake Bay TMDL. Member Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Steering Committee; Implementation Committee, chair Toxics Committee; chaired Use Attainability Workgroup.


5/2001 - 1/2003

Deputy Director, (Acting from 5/01-4/02) Technical and Regulatory Services Administration.

Supervisor: Director, Technical and Regulatory Services.

Under general supervision of Administration Director shared management of units conducting field operations (emergency response and monitoring), water quality modeling, environmental planning and assessment, Departmental information technology staff, and fiscal and personnel services for the Administration. These units in total contained about 140 staff with an $18 million budget. Responsibilities emphasize technical policy especially for water quality, public health protection, risk assessment, TMDLs, 303(d) list, monitoring and assessment, and aspects of budget, legislation, and internal and external coordination. Accepted rotating chairmanship of Budget, Planning and Operational Performance Committee composed of Agency Deputies and fiscal and planning officers (10/02 to 4/03). Frequently lead diverse groups to common goals as chair or staff of workgroups, or as a member of ad hoc panels; commonly resolved conflicts with individuals with respect to administration's programs. Most of these responsibilities require extensive coordination and leadership within the Department, and with other State and federal agencies, local governments, non-governmental organizations, and private citizens. Strong management and communication skills and technical knowledge are required; an understanding of larger policy implications is essential. Secretary's designee to legislative task force on Seafood and Aquaculture.



Manager, Environmental Health and Risk Assessment Program, Technical and Regulatory Services Administration, MDE

Reviewed existing and developed new water quality standards and conducted appropriate regulatory promulgation; managed environmental and health risk assessments; fish contaminant monitoring and issuance of fish consumption advisories as necessary; direction of the Department’s whole effluent testing (WET) and shellfish certification programs; supervision of a manager and two supervisors; and budget preparation and tracking. In addition to supervisory responsibilities for 15 professional and technical staff, specific tasks included:

·         Managed numerous projects including monitoring, research, and watershed studies; standards development, list of impaired waters, and regulatory revisions. Standards development includes chemical specific and biocriteria, and microbiological criteria. By timely completion of water quality standards review, EPA was able to quickly settle litigation with environmental groups.

·         Developed water quality standards for Chesapeake Bay as part of the regional Chesapeake Bay Water Quality effort, Water Quality Technical Workgroup and Water Quality Standards Workgroup; Use Attainability Workgroup (chair); EPA/State Aquatic Life Use (National scope) and Beaches workgroups.

·         Prepared and reviewed briefing papers, technical reports, work plans, grant proposals and deliverables; quantitative analysis of environmental data; health and environmental risk assessments; technical and non-technical presentations to public and environmental managers.

·         Past responsibilities have included:

§         Watershed Planning and Coordination: development of strategies for reduction of nutrient or other pollution and continuing liaison to local watershed teams (e.g., Comprehensive Study of the Gunpowder Watershed (project manager), Coastal Bays National Estuary Program (Management Committee and Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee), Anacostia Watershed Restoration Committee (former chair), Pocomoke Study Team.

§         Policy Development Activities: Coastal Bays Management Committee, development of indicators and nutrient trading concept, antidegradation.

§         Chair, Hart-Miller Technical Advisory Committee.

§         Governor’s Cancer Council.

§         Chair, Chesapeake Bay Program Toxics Subcommittee (ongoing).

·         Development and administration of $1,000,000 program budget.

·         Program leadership including development of evaluation goals for the program under Managing Maryland for Results, supervision and training of staff, and development of some Administration initiatives.



Chief, Multi-Media Analysis Division, MDE (formerly Chesapeake Bay Coordination Division); [classification: Environmental Program Manager I].

·         Representative to various Chesapeake Bay Program Committees including Toxics Subcommittee, Implementation Committee (alternate), Maryland Bay Workgroup.

·         Chair, Hart-Miller exterior monitoring Technical Review Committee (1996-97).

·         Development of statewide Tributary Strategies for nutrient reduction; liaison to Patapsco/Back River and Middle Potomac Tributary Strategy Implementation teams.



Head, Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Section 1989-1993; [classification: Research Statistician VII until 1994].

·         Biomonitoring project manager including projects for: long-term benthic monitoring, sediment-oxygen nutrient exchange, zoo- and phytoplankton monitoring, and nutrient bioassays.

·         Sediment toxics contaminant program.

·         Statistical analysis of water quality data (SAS).



Adjunct instructor of Environmental Science at Dundalk Community College.



Senior Staff Scientist, Illinois Legislative Research Unit, Springfield, IL

[Previous positions: Assistant Staff Scientist (1985‑86) and Staff Scientist (1986‑89)].

·         Written research and analysis of science and technology issues to assist in formulation of policy and/or development of legislation.  Communication of technical issues in non-technical language was essential. Developed familiarity with many health and environmental issues.

·         Supervised and edited work of science staff.  Evaluated applicants for legislative science internships.

·         Computer purchase analysis for replacement of existing office automation system.  Managed local and remote Macintosh microcomputer networks; database development.  



Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Biology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC (Ph.D.) and Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY (MA)

·         Research on (multi‑year) variability in populations of estuarine microinvertebrates resulted in five publications and four presentations at national and international meetings.  Description of a new species of marine nematode.

·         Taught lab courses including introductory biology, invertebrate zoology, basic anatomy, ecology, scanning electron microscopy, histological techniques, parasitology, science techniques for elementary educators, and field course in tropical marine biology.

·         Honors and awards include full membership in the Sigma Xi Scientific Society, Baruch Predoctoral fellowship, Graduate Council travel award to Smithsonian Institution, Graduate Council Summer Dissertation Fellowship.


Citizenship: US




1985  Ph.D. @ Department of Biology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C.  Dissertation:  Population dynamics and ecology of the meiobenthic nematodes of North Inlet, South Carolina. (146 semester hours)

1980  MA @ Department of Biology, Hofstra University, Hempstead, N.Y. Thesis:  The community structure of intertidal nematodes in areas of chronic low level oil pollution. (39 semester hours)

1973  BS @ Department of Biology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, N.Y. Major:  Biology; Minor:  Education.  N.Y. State Permanent Secondary Education Certificate in General Science, Biology, and Earth Science. (121 semester hours)


Continuing Education

Courses completed: Structure of Computers, 1986; Management of Information Systems, 1987; Introductory Pascal, 1987; Strategic Decision Support Systems, 1987; Advanced Pascal, 1987; Management of Database Systems, 1988; Introduction to Database for Microcomputers, Situational Leadership (management), ~1986; Analysis of Messy Data, 1989; Public Policy and the Environment, ~1991; Management and Sustainable Development, 1992; Environmental Ethics, ~1993; EPA Water Quality Standards Academy, ~1994; Managing Maryland for Results, ~1998; Human Resources Management, 2000; Introduction to Risk Analysis, 2000.


Awards and Commendations

Governor's Salute to Excellence, January 17, 1995

Maryland Department of the Environment, Award of Merit (for Tributary Strategies), July 30, 1993.

Maryland Department of the Environment, Award of Merit (Employee of the Month), May 31, 1993.

Maryland Department of the Environment, Environmental Excellence (for improvement and preservation of Maryland's environment).

Maryland Department of the Environment, Environmental Excellence (for 1991 Nutrient Reduction Reevaluation effort).

Maryland Department of the Environment, Employee Incentive Award, Gunpowder Watershed Project, October 1996.

Maryland Department of the Environment, Certificates of Achievement (Environmental Performance Partnership Team and Smart Growth Team), September 1997; (Smart Growth Team), July, 1998.

Maryland Department of the Environment, Employee Incentive Award (Pfiesteria), October 1997.

Maryland Department of the Environment, Employee Incentive Award (Triennial Review), Sept. 2000.

Secretary’s Award (includes monetary recognition), July 2006.


List of Publications


Refereed Scientific Publications


Coull, B.C., E.L. Creed, R.A. Eskin, M.A. Palmer, P.A. Montagna and J.B.J. Wells.  1983.  Phytal meiofauna from the rocky intertidal at Murrells Inlet, South Carolina.  Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc.  102(4):  380‑389.

Eskin, R.A. and B.C. Coull.  1984.  A priori determination of valid control sites:  An example using marine meiobenthic nematodes.  Mar. Env. Res.  12(3):  161‑172.

Eskin, R.A. and B.E. Hopper.  1985.  Population dynamics and description of Ptycholaimellus hibernus n. sp. (Nematoda:Chromadoridae).  J. Nematol.  17(1):  38‑45.

Eskin, R.A. and M.A. Palmer.  1985.  Suspension of marine nematodes in a turbulent tidal creek:  Species patterns.  Biol. Bull.  169:  615‑623.

Eskin, R.A. and B.C. Coull.  1987.  Seasonal and 3‑year variability of meiobenthic nematode populations at two estuarine sites.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Series  41(3):  295‑303.

Maxted, J., S.B. Weisberg, J.C. Challou, R.A. Eskin, F.W. Kutz. 1997. The ecological condition of dead-end canals of the Delaware and Maryland coastal bays.  Estuaries 20(2):  319-327.

Brown, B.S., N.E. Detenbeck and R.A. Eskin. 2005. How probability survey data can help integrate 305(b) and 303(d) monitoring and assessment of state waters. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 103(1-3):  41-57.


Selected Reports to the Illinois Legislature


Environmental Impact Statements and Safety Concerns Relevant to Evanston/University Research Park, July 23, 1986

Radium in Oak Brook's Water, September 25, 1986

Mine Subsidence, October 28, 1986

Regulation of Airport Noise, October 26, 1986

Local Regulation of Toxic Air Emissions, December 24, 1986

High Water Levels in Lake Michigan, February 12, 1988

Low‑Level Nuclear Waste, February 17, 1988

School Asbestos Abatement:  Needs and Costs, April 11, 1988

Regulation of Air Pollution from Coke Plants, March 15, 1989

Computer Viruses and the Law, January 9, 1989


Technical Reports


Eskin, R.A., R. Alden, III, R. Batiuk, S.Bieber, S. Brunenmeister, C. Haywood, F. Hoffman, R. Magnien, M. Olson.  Guidance for the Analysis of Water Quality Trends in Chesapeake Bay, August, 1993.

Chaillou, J.C., S.B. Weisberg, F.W. Kutz, T.E. DeMoss, L. Mangiaracina, R. Magnien, R. Eskin, J. Maxted, K. Price and J.K. Summers.  1996.  Assessment of the ecological condition of the Delaware and Maryland coastal bays.  EPA/620/R-96/004.  Gulf Ecology Division, National Health and Ecological Effects Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Eskin, R.A., K.R. Rowland, D. Alegre, R. Magnien.  Contaminants in Chesapeake Bay Sediments (1984-1991). EPA CBP/TRS 145/96, May 1996.

Eskin, R.A. Maryland's Tributary Strategies -- Using Science to Support Chesapeake Bay Watershed Management.  In:  Toward a Sustainable Coastal Watershed, The Chesapeake Experiment.  Proceedings of a Conference.  Chesapeake Research Consortium Publication No. 149, 1994.


List of Selected Presentations


Nutrient Trading - Chesapeake Water Environment Association

Chesapeake Bay Toxics: A Primer - Chesapeake Bay Commission


-           Colloquium on Pfiesteria

-           Panel member for public meeting facilitated by Congressman Gilchrest

-           MDE's Compliance Division

-           Employee lunch hosted by Deputy Secretary Ray

-           Maryland Association of Municipal Wastewater Administrators (MAMWA)

-           Hughes Commission

-           Technical Advisory Committee (reporting on Toxics Monitoring Results and Monitoring Plan)

Development of a Comprehensive Monitoring Program - Chesapeake Bay Program Toxics Subcommittee

Chesapeake Bay Program - Japanese delegation to MDE

Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) - Coastal Bays Management Committee

Smart Growth - staff of Technical and Regulatory Services Administration

Special Panel on CSO/Stormwater Management for the District of Columbia (Maryland status)

Facilitated Chesapeake Bay Program Toxics of Concern (TOC) Workgroup/Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee meeting to resolve STAC comments on latest TOC list

Comprehensive Study of the Gunpowder Watershed – several public meetings

Anacostia Watershed Restoration Committee – Chair

Triennial Review – eight public hearings, industry groups, State Water Quality Advisory Committee

Bacterial Indicators – Maryland Association of Counties/Environmental Health Directors

Hearings Officer and Technical presenter - Proposed numeric criteria and antidegradation regulations.

Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) -- Risk Communication: Making it Work, Examples from the Maryland Department of the Environment

Maryland Water Monitoring Council -- Implications of Scale and Watershed Size for Management Approaches: An Example Relating to Biocriteria

6th Annual Tributary Team Meeting – Invited Presentations: Use Attainability Analysis for the New Bay Criteria; 2002 303(d) Integrated List; Coordinating Tributary Strategies and TMDLs.

Chesapeake Water Environment Association – Invited Panelist – The Gathering Storm: Water Quality Issues, July 2004

Maryland Water Monitoring Council: Monitoring to support TMDLs, Nov. 18, 2004
Invited participant: EPA/ORD retreat: State Approach to Stressor Identification, Feb. 15, 2005
Invited presentation: Urban Stresses on Maryland’s Water Resources: The Regulatory Perspective, Nov. 18, 2005.


Grants and Contracts


1996        Nonpoint Source Tracking Database and Tributary Strategies Technical Support (DNR/CBIG 14-97-206-CBG013); contractor; key personnel jointly with Wayne Jenkins; $50,269.


1996        Gunpowder River Watershed Study (EPA X993540-01-1); principal investigator; $450,000.


1996        Hart-Miller Project – Year 13 (MPA 293644); project manager; $295,103.


1997        Hart-Miller Project – Year 14 (MPA 293644); project manager; $306,960.


1996        Coordination and Technical Analysis for Maryland’s Tributary Strategies (DNR/CBIG 14-97-189CBG013); contractor; key personnel jointly with John Rhoderick; $32,000.


1996        Chesapeake Bay Program Coordination with Regulatory Programs (DNR/CBIG 14-97-205CBG013); contractor and key personnel; $16,370.


1996        Point Source Reduction through BNR (DNR/CBIG 14-97-226-CBG013); contractor; key personnel jointly with Keyur Sharma; $117,931.


1996        Furtherance of Activities Relating to the Implementation of Maryland’s Regional Action Plan for Baltimore Harbor; principal investigator jointly with Narendra Panday; $54,332.


1998        Point Source Reduction Through BNR Implementation; (DNR/CBIG 14-98-301CBG024); contractor jointly with Marya Levelev; $84,877.


1996        Work Plan for the Maryland Department of the Environment Investigations Related to Fish Lesions in the Pocomoke River (DNR); contractor; $88,184.


1996        Collection, Analysis and Interpretation of Water Samples From the Pocomoke River (interagency contract RAT-11/98-052); key personnel with Narendra Panday; $72,045.


1999        Pocomoke Sampling for Toxic Substances: Levels of Occurrence and Possible Significance (DNR); key personnel; $72,859.


1996        Chesapeake Bay Program Coordination with Regulatory Programs (DNR/CBIG 14-99-436CBG032); contractor and key personnel; $33,746.


1999    Development for a Strategy for Nutrient Criteria (EPA X-983113-01-0); $54,036.